YEAR > 2008/09
DATES > from December 5th to January 10th 2009
PLACE > Casa de Cultura de Girona (Girona Arts Center)

The Autism Of The Self by Pep Aymerich deals with the creative process and the relationship of the artist with his own work and with himself. This is an introspective exercise and an analysis of the artistic self done with intelligence, originality and also with irony.
For this exhibition, the artist has worked with a particular combination of techniques: from the wooden sculpture-puppet as a life-sized reproduction of the artist himself, high definition projections and the theatralization of the exhibition space. In short, this is a rigorous aesthetic and technique research and reflection game (very serious, but a game). The results are as you can notice of an extraordinary aesthetic and intellectual interest. Therefore, the exhibition is no literally an exhibition, the artist is presenting us a closed piece of work where all the parts fit and none of them is left over.